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About Rare Beauty

Rare Beauty is an American cosmetics company launched on September 3, 2020. The company has an outstanding motto and aims to “break down unrealistic standards of perfection” by relying on inclusivity, and addressing mental health initiatives and education.

As for inclusivity, Rare Beauty offers a nice range of 48 foundation and concealer shades, all of which come in disability-friendly sphere-shaped packaging.

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Rare Beauty FAQs

Does Selena Gomez own Rare Beauty?

Yes, indeed, the owner of the brand is Selena Gomez. The name of the brand was inspired by her third studio album Rare (2020) and she officially announced the launch of the company back in 2019 before building up and working on the idea for a couple of years.
Gomez is highly committed to mental health awareness and education, and a percentage of Rare Beauty sales goes straight to her Rare Impact Fund which helps young people gain access to mental health resources.

Does Rare Beauty have clean ingredients?

Absolutely! Not only do Rare Beauty formulations come without any harsh ingredients that might be bad for your health and not only comply, but supposedly go beyond standard cosmetic regulations.
Besides all that, Rare Beauty is cruelty free, vegan, dermatologist tested, and partnered only with Cosmetic GMP certified suppliers.

Why is Rare Beauty so successful?

There are several factors to Rare Beauty success. One of them, of course, is Rare Beauty becoming absolutely viral on TikTok. And while social media fame might not always be a good thing, Rare Beauty got it due to its impeccable formulations and promises delivered.
On the other hand, Rare Beauty’s commitment to authenticity didn’t go unnoticed, either. The brand openly discusses mental health, self-acceptance, and body positivity—all these things resonated with its audience, further solidifying the brand’s firm stance in the market. And while most of the world is saturated with filters and digital enhancements, Rare Beauty stands tall with their belief that genuine beauty is the most beautiful.

Is Rare Beauty actually good?

With its clean and cruelty free formulations, lots of shades to choose from, and user-friendly packaging, Rare Beauty beauty has already become a firm fan-favorite.
And while it would be a bit hard to achieve a full-on glam look with Rare Beauty products, they are absolutely perfect for anyone who likes natural and glowy makeup. That said, anyone will find something they like from the Rare Beauty range.

Which Rare Beauty Products are the most popular?

While all Rare Beauty products deserve their praise, some are still more popular than the rest. You’ll find a list of the most popular Rare Beauty products on this page.