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Cashback rules for Flixbus
Up to 4% cashback for new & returning Flixbus customers.
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- Turn off Adblock and similar ad-blocking plugins
- Purchase in a single browsing session
- Ensure your cart is empty before enabling cashback
- Order using only one device
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About Flixbus
Looking for convenient and affordable travel options? Look no further than FlixBus. With an extensive network of over 400,000 routes worldwide, FlixBus is your go-to solution for exploring The United States and beyond. Whether you’re traveling for work or leisure, our cheap bus tickets ensure that you can reach your destination without breaking the bank.
Traveling with FlixBus is a breeze. Our modern and comfortable buses, along with frequent connections and reliable schedules, ensure a hassle-free journey. With a network spanning over 5,500 destinations in 40 countries, including major cities in the United States, Canada, and Mexico, you can easily plan your next adventure.
Enjoy the convenience of free WiFi on most of our buses, allowing you to stay connected throughout your journey. Additionally, our real-time bus tracking system lets you monitor your trip progress every step of the way.
As if that’s not enough, our integration with Greyhound expands our coverage and provides even more travel options throughout North America. With FlixBus, you can confidently embark on domestic and international trips, knowing that you’re in good hands.
Start planning your next journey with FlixBus and experience convenient, affordable, and reliable travel like never before.
And here’s something else that’s sure to make you feel good when you book your journey online.
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